It’s about Public Service, not Politics.

Why I’m Running:

  • I’m committed to public service, education, recreation, & growth.

  • I love Verona, and I want to work to ensure it works for you.

  • Verona should make you feel welcome, safe, and free to pursue your passions and thrive.

My Credentials:

  • Civil Engineer with Dane County Public Works Engineering Division

  • B.S. & M.S. in Civil Engineering - Construction Engineering & Management

    • Registered Professional Civil Engineer

    • 18 year career focusing on municipal public works and infrastructure such public utilities, roads & parks

  • Returned Peace Corps Volunteer in Panama, 2006 - 2008

    • Managed potable water and sanitation projects for the Ngäbe and Emberá tribes

    • Fluent in Spanish

  • Certified Public Manager

    • 1.5 year certificate from UW-Madison focused on applying leadership for local governments

  • Elected Governance Council Officer for Verona Area International School

    • Serving as Secretary (23-24), previously as Vice President (22-23) as well as various sub committees

    • Planning committee for school trip to China in 2024

  • Serving appointed 3 year term on Verona’s Parks, Recreation, & Forestry Commission

  • Former Volunteer Firefighter for the City of Monona

  • Spanish speaking, multi-cultural, 3 generation family